Tuesday, October 23, 2018

2018 Grand Rapids Marathon Recap

2018 Grand Rapids Marathon Recap

Training Cycle

April 9th – MRI results back: left foot has a stress fracture (2nd metatarsal) and stress reaction (4th metatarsal). No running for 5 weeks, so I cancelled or deferred all my spring races. To keep the fitness up I got a trainer and biked like a beast (80-110 mpw).

Following the sports medicine doctor’s instructions, I healed quickly and finally got into PT for a return to running program (run/walk intervals) on May 14th. I graduated from PT being cleared to run and start building the base back up on May 28th, but no racing or workouts until the middle of July.

So GRM training began about 17 weeks out. It really did not look like a super solid cycle compared to past ones. My mpw average over that time was 42.56 with a peak weak of 54.7. Most of that really happened over the last 7 weeks with low week in that period being 34.1. I am a Daniels(VDOT fame) follower and really believe in his approach, so my long runs were mostly capped by time (2h30m). As a result, I only had three long runs of 16mi and one 18 miler.

Despite that, I had a decent half marathon 4 weeks out at Park2Park in Holland, Michigan. Weather was perfect, and I clocked a 1:44:25 with a negative split. So that gave me a ton of confidence going into GRM.

Weather was perfect for this year race. Upper 30f at the start, cloudy, and a slight W-NW breeze. Race morning rituals went as planned with a bagel & PB about 2.5hrs before the start. Then 30 minutes to go I took down beet juice, and finally 15 minutes beforehand I had a roctane Gu (chocolate/coconut).

My goal for the race were to come in around 3:43-3:45 range. 3:44:20 is my marathon PB, I felt fit enough and confident coming into this that it was on the table to be improved upon. So I lined up with 3:44 pace group with the goal of running with them for a while. My fueling plan was to take Gu every 30-40min, which worked out to be roughly every other aid station.

The race starts at 8am and besides the first half mile of dodging slower runners, the first couple of miles are uneventful. I quickly get into a good groove at MP (8:35ish) with the pace group. A good friend, Dan, is pacing the half runners and I can chat with him to keep things relaxed. Just after mile 6 I lose contact with the pace group as they slow a bit and I decide to keep on pace and run my own race from there. The only really “hilly” section of course I roll thru pretty well from Miles 7-9. I go off effort in this section, so my paces bounce from 9:00-7:00/mi. Right before mile 9, the half marathoners break off and head back toward downtown. That really clears up the road and gives me plenty of space to run tangents and not get tangled up.

The next 4 miles are pretty uneventful besides dropping a Gu and go back for it at aide station right after mile 10. After the biggest hill at mile 11.5, I start to notice the fatigue building in my legs that so often in past races caused me to mentally fall part. But I worked on the mental game a lot over the summer and I suck it up and keep on pace. I pass thru the half point in 1:51:14 (I planned 1:52, so a bit fast). The mile 14 aide station is where I take Gu #4 and it takes a while to let that settle in the stomach. I get 2 more Gu’s from my friend Colin right before mile 15 at the bridge. He runs me across the bridge and asks how it is going. Which I reply “I sure am feeling it” and he responds with something along the lines of “this is what we sign up for” which is just what I needed to hear.

Mile 16 is awesome, I see my wife and kids on the side of course. I get high-fives and encouraging words to keep it up. This is the really long out and back section of the course that goes from mile 15-21.5 and where things get tough for me. I finally start to slow after mile 20, which I cross in 2:50:52(planned 2:50:20) and my paces falls off down into low-9s. I somehow muster my last Gu into my body, but that will be the last one. The stomach is just not taking them anymore, my hamstrings are really sore, and I developed a cramp in my left calf. At the mile 21 aid station they are handing out pickle juice, so I take a swig of that. The cramp goes away in minutes, but I am plugging along in the high-9 pace until I met up with Colin around mile 22 where he begins to pace me into the finish. Just before mile 23 I feel like puking so I stop and dry heavy for a few seconds. That really made me feel better and we keep going on. Mile 24 comes and it is my slowest in 10:04. But Jeron and Ken meet up just after that and the three begin to drag me in faster and faster.

Colin hit a home run by calling out a runner in green that I needed to pick off. So, I dug deep and focused on drawing him in. It took almost to about mile 25.7 to get him, but I passed him after over a mile of chasing. My paced had gotten back too. Miles 25 + 26 came in at 9:12-8:39. Making the last turn onto Winter street and seeing the finish almost a half mile away was great. Colin shouted out “how bad do you want a 3:4x time?, lets go!” I could not respond at first it seemed, but I was picking it up. With 800m to go, I drained the tank as I saw the clock ticking closer to 3:50. If I can believe the data, I was at 7:10/mi pace giving it all I got. I crossed the finished line and let out a scream of happiness. I finished in 3:50:01, sooooo close, but so happy at what I did.

2018 sure was a roller coaster year with running for me. Without a super supportive family and an amazing group of friends, I would have had a much different race. I cannot thank them enough. Now it is time to rest the body and prepare it for 2019.

Official Results:
First half: 1:51:15
Second half: 1:58:46
Finish: 3:50:01
Positive split: 7:03 (UGH!)
Total distance(Garmin): 26.03
Average pace: 8:47/M

Age Group(M40-44): 31/77
Male: 230/597
Overall: 324/1079

Weather: (Perfect)
Start temp: 37f / 2.7c
Finish temp: 39f / 3.8c
Dewpoint: 27f / -2.7c
Humidity: 67%
Wind: W 6mph/9.6kph
Cloudy Skies

Gear Used:
Nike Zoom Fly
Half Tights / Singlet / Arm Warmers / Thin running gloves/ ballcap (backwards of course)
Garmin 935
Stryd Footpod (feeding speed/distance to 935)

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